- Potable Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution
- New Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Compliant Well Analysis, Design and TCEQ Approval
- Existing Well Inspection and/or Rehabilitation
- Existing Well TCEQ Public Water System (PWS) Approval Assistance
- TCEQ PWS Approval for Existing Systems Tagged by TCEQ as Non-Compliant
- Surface Water Intake Structures Design
- Water Treatment Through the Addition of Chemicals (Chlorine, Polyphosphate, Caustic and Soda Ash)
- Water Treatment with Reverse Osmosis Membrane
- Water Treatment with Package Treatment Units
- Water Treatment with Constituent Removal (Arsenic, Iron, Manganese, Hydrogen Sulfide [rotten egg smell], Radionuclides and Nitrate)
- Booster and High Service Pump Station Design
- Ground and Elevated Storage Tank Design
- Hydropneumatic/Pressure Tank Design
- Small- and Large-Diameter Pipe Design
- Well Field Collection, Supply, Transmission and Distribution Main Design
- Comprehensive Improvements Plans
- Hydraulic Water System Modeling
- System Facilities Capacity Analyses
- System Mapping
- Meter Request Reviews
- Non-Standard Service Agreements
- Regulatory Agency Violation/Enforcement Assistance
- Extensive Knowledge of Aquifers and Rivers
- Edwards Aquifer (Balcones Fault Zone & Barton Springs segments
- Trinity Aquifer
- Carrizo Aquifer
- Wilcox Aquifer
- Ogallala Aquifer
- Rio Grande River
- Nueces River
- Guadalupe River
- San Marcos River
- Colorado River